Perry & Co - Games Publisher

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Perry & Co - Games Publisher

Game Maker

NamePerry & Co
Brief DescriptionKnown for pen nibs and stationery. Publishers of puzzles, games, etc. At 37 Red Lion Square in 1866. At 18,19 & 20 Holborn in 1881. A limited company in Holborn in 1891 .
Principal MakerY
Copyright Registrations in this name3
Other Registrations

4 registrations

01/09/1870Cribbage Board (hedgehog type)Design Registration
01/09/1870Whist Marker (hedgehog type)Design Registration
1869Unknown (Perry 232915)Design Registration
c1888Perry's Endless PuzzleTrademark

19 adverts


9 examples

c1870Whist Marker Perry
c1870Donkey Puzzle
c1890Wu Lu or Wu-Lu
c1890Wu Lu
c1875London Improved Spelling Game (The) 2
c1875Patent Letters
c1870Garenne rules
c1860-1865England’s Hope
Perry’s Price Current was a trade catalogue for manufacturers and merchants to advertise their wares.
As well as their own items Perry sold products made by others, including by Ayres, who had been neighbours when at the Red Lion Square address.
The long list of Dissected Puzzles published with their advertisement Christmas Gifts 1881 has many similarities to the earlier Standring/Barfoot lists. Perry may have been retailing Standring/Barfoot stock.


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