Parkins and Gotto - Games Maker

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Parkins and Gotto - Games Maker

Game Maker

NameParkins and Gotto
Brief DescriptionToy retailers, at 24 25 27 and 28 Oxford Street, then (after 1880) 62 Oxford Street, active in 1862 and advertising in 1903.
Principal MakerY
Copyright Registrations in this name7
Other Registrations

6 registrations

11/05/1866Croquet Mallet (Parkins and Gotto 1866)Design Registration
16/04/1880Lawn Tennis Straining PostDesign Registration
c1861Unknown (D4407) (Parkins and Gotto)Design Registration
1862Unknown (D4430) (Parkins and Gotto)Design Registration
1869Unknown (D5022) Parkins and Gotto)Design Registration
c1887Le Paradis des EnfantsTrademark

2 adverts

c1865New Winter Games

1 examples

c1895King's Game rules


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