Mead & Powell, Mead and Powell - Games Publisher

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Mead & Powell, Mead and Powell - Games Publisher

Game Maker

NameMead & Powell, Mead and Powell
Brief DescriptionAt 73 Cheapside, London Advertised in Peter Parley's Annual, 1864. Later Mead & Co. They published Military Chess and The Macklin Double Pocket Chess Board 1871-4.
Principal MakerY
Copyright Registrations in this name5
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1 adverts

1864-1865Mead and Powell List of Games

2 examples

[1870-1880]Family (card game)
c1891Manchester Ship Canal rules
Advertised a number of Games in Peter Parley’s Annual 1865 which are known to be made by Jaques.

Aunt Sally
Volunteer Handicap
Parlour or Lawn Bowls
Bowling Bowls
Red White and Blue
Jack’s Alive
Race Game
Castle Cannonade


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