Game Example: Justice

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Game Example: Justice

Game Example

CollectionBallam in John Johnson Collection at Bodleian
Object TypeGames
Rules included?1
Links to Maker recordsStanton (Certain)
Justice c1990 Maker Stanton Games
Three games can be played (five if you count variations). Four on a square board are “adult” capture games, the fifth on a circular board on the other side is a race game in which an extra player, who cannot win, controls policemen to capture, to make winning more difficult for the others. The rather unsatisfactory rules and promotional sheet contain some ambiguities and errors, so this may be a prototype supplied for the “200 Years of Board Games Exhibition” in 1991, though there is a sticker claiming “As played on TV”. Complete. The box contains 2 sets of pieces and 2 double sided boards.


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