Collier (Alfred) - Games Publisher

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Collier (Alfred) - Games Publisher

Game Maker

NameCollier (Alfred)
Brief DescriptionAlfred Collier ("Established 1863") is best known for a Royal Ludo registration, also Treblite, but there were also card games and very high quality board games. Some may have been taken by Johnson Bros c1905 see Royal Ludo.
Principal MakerY
Copyright Registrations in this name1
Other Registrations

9 registrations

c1910Jovial FamiliesTrademark
09/02/1891Modern Naval WarfarePatent
28/03/1905Monarch LudoPatent
29/08/1891Royal LudoPatent
c1905Tiddley WinksTrademark
c1907Jovial FamilyTrademark
15/04/1893Unknown (Atlantic naval warfare)Patent

12 examples

c1880Draught Board Collier
c1910Jovial Families
c1895Ludo Collier
1895Modern Naval Warfare
c1895Treblite 2
c1900Royal Combination Ludo and Royal Ludo
c1900Not Made in Germany rulesPicture publication not permitted by holding library
Tiddley Winks (COL-01c1)
c1900Royal Combination of the two great games of Ludo and Royal Ludo
c1891Modern Naval Warfare Rules
Alfred Collier applied for registration of Trade Mark for his crossed swords device in 1900.b


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