Game Example: Rural Sports The Donkey Race

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Game Example: Rural Sports The Donkey Race

Game Example

NameRural Sports The Donkey Race
CollectionBallam in John Johnson Collection at Bodleian
Object TypePuzzles
Manufacturer/PublisherS Smith. E Wallis?
Rules included?
Links to Maker recordsSmith S (Southwark) (Certain)
Wallis (Wallis family) (Probable)
Comical small size dissection, one of a series of rural pursuits.
S Smith of Southwark also appears on the dissection The Village Cobbler at Home Norwich Museums(Hannas p151)
The box style strongly points to this being issued by E Wallis.
This is corroberated by Linda Hannas note to the Robinson Crusoe cards. These also bore imprint of S Smith when issued as a dissected puzzle but were in a J Wallis box dated 1814.



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