Name | Wallis J |
Brief Description | John Wallis, according to Linda Hannas, was in business from 1773 to 1818 at several addresses. See the detailed note. See also Wallis (Wallis family). |
Principal Maker | Y |
Copyright Registrations in this name | |
Other Registrations | |
Adverts | 5 adverts
Examples | 62 examples |
| 1775-1778 as Wallis and Stonehouse at Yorickâs Head, 16 Ludgate St. Then as J Wallis at 16 Ludgate St.(apart from a brief period 1777-8 at 54 Cornhill).
From 1805-11 at 13 Warwick Street. Then 1812-18, at 42 Skinner Street (where son Edward then ran the business from 1818-47). |