Sayer (Robert) - Games Publisher

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Sayer (Robert) - Games Publisher

Game Maker

NameSayer (Robert)
Brief DescriptionA leading map and print seller at 53 Fleet Street London 1745-1794. A dissected map is dated 1771. Geographical games from 1775.
Principal MakerY
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7 examples

[1787]New Royal Geographical Pastime for England and Wales
c1795Porter and a Hare (A)
c1771Travellers Companion
c1771Travellers Companion (with Sea)
c1794The Safe and Expeditious Traveller Through all the Parts of Europe
c1787England and Wales
1787The safe and Expeditious Traveller through Europe. Royal Geographical Amusement
See notes in Hannas.
Laurie and Whittle succeeded Sayer in 1794.
An example of a Harlequinade is illustrated at p18 of Paper Toys of the World by Blair Whitton (collection Herbert Hosmer. Also one dated 1771 in Treasures of Childhood by Opie, p50

At The Golden Buck in Fleet Street c1750


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