Tucker Tiddlywinks Collection

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Tucker Tiddlywinks Collection


NameTucker Tiddlywinks Collection
DescriptionRick Tucker's collection and database of tiddlywinks games, starting with its invention (patent applied in 1888; approved 1889) by Joseph Assheton Fincher of London, trademark registered as TIDDLEDY-WINKS (applied in 1889; approved 1890) and first published by John Jaques & Son. In its early days, other companies published tiddlywinks-style games under a variety of names, including Spoof (by Ayres), Golfette, Table Golf, Flipperty Flop, Flitterkins, Pagodah, Jumpkins, Sweet Wedding Bells, Hopkins, North Pole, Flutter, Raccroc, Huplah, Salomo, and more.
Collection TypePrivate Collection
Main WebsiteTiddlywinks • Origins and Evolution of the Noble & Royal Game
Other WebsiteAGPI Game Catalog database • tiddlywinks games
CountryUnited States
Links to collection records1 Publications
222 Examples

At present (14 May 2023), British tiddlywinks games from the Tucker Tiddlywinks Collection and database are being added by Rick Tucker to the GARD database. The Tucker Tiddlywinks Collection and database includes games from throughout the world and from many eras, and not just tiddlywinks!


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