Carington Bowles Carpenter N Carvalho D Castell Brothers Cavendish Chad Valley Champante & Whitrow Chapman C (Captain) Clark T Clarke (H G Clarke & Co.) Collier (Alfred) Conder & Jones Corinthian (Abbey Corinthian) Cox (Horace) Cremer (W and W H Cremer junior) Culin (Stewart)
Cadman Cafiero Caldbeck Calvert & Co., F. C. Cameron (A Cameron & Co)) Campbell Camphorcraft Candle Capri Cardew Carey Carline Carreras Carrom Archarena Carrom-Archarena Co. Carta Mundi Cartwright Cassell Casson Castle Caswell Catley Causton Cave and Easterling Chalmers Chamberlain (Lt. Henry, RN) Chambers W and R Chapman (Middleton) Chapman FC Chappuis Charles and Dibble Cheals Cheatwell Games Cheetham Chell Cherry and Smalldridge Cheshunt Child Childs Chilton Chipp Choro Ltd. Chrinus Christopher Church Missionary Society Church Missionary Society for Africa and the East Churchill Circular Checkers Inc. Clare Clarke IP & Co Clarke David Clarke JR (Liverpool) Clarke Minnie W Classon Clay J Clayton Clerk Clowes Clulow (George) Coates EW Cochrane (Alexander) Codeg Cohen H Cohen L.I. Colby Cole AJ Cole G Cole J Cole RJ Colingridge Collinridge Comber Comfort Compton and Lymath Condor Const J.A. Constantine Cook (Emily) Cook N Cooke Coomber Cooper Cope Copp Clark Cordeaux Cordeaux and Ernest Corke Corner (William) Cosburn Cotterell Cotton (Charles) Coulsell Coupe P. Couvat Cowells Cox A E Crabb Cram Crandall Cranshaw Crawford Crawley Crescent Toys Cricket Press Criterion Series Crockford Cross Croughton Crown & Andrews Cruchley G F Cruikshank Crystalate Culpin Curtice Curtis (Emma) Cutts