Hamley Hanks (John) Harlesden Series Harris (John) Harrods Hartland Trefoil Hatchards Hayter G Henry (Charles) Herberts & Co Hildesheimer and Faulkner Hodges Holtzapffel Hooper S Horn (Fred) Hornby (Frank) Horsman E I Houlston and Wright House of Marbles Hunt & Sons Hunt J Huvanco
H.I. Dixon H.M. Series Habershon Haddow Hadlow Haigh Hale Hale and Roworth Hall E Hall J Hall W Hall and Co, Bexhill Hall and Smith Hallett Halley Halpin Hamburg A Hamilton H Hammond Handee Series Hankinson Harbutt Hardcastle Harison and Maude Harrington Harrison and Sons Hartley Harvey Hashings Hausser Haworth Hawtray Hayman Brothers Hayman Christy and Lilly Hayne Hazel Mill Head Healey WJ Hearder Heath and George Heather Heaver and Vernon Heggie W Hely Henderson Herbert GW Herdman Heritage Hewby Heye Concept Heyne Heywood (John) Higginson Hildyard Hill Hilliam-Fox C Hinchcliffe Hiron Hivey and Collings Hodge Hodgson & Co Hodgson (Ipswich) Hodgson W.E. Hodsell Hogg (James) Hogg (John) Holford Holmes Kevin Holmes R Holt RB Hong Kong Hook Hookham Hope AT Hopkins Hopkins and Latham Hopwood TH Hopwood and Crew Horman Horowitry Horsfield Houghton JF Houghton W Houlden House-Martin Howard Howard GH Howard Gf Howard Jones and Parkes Howe (Charles) Hudson Chambers and Davies Hudson FR Hudson IT Hudson J Hudson T Hudson and Kearns Hulatt and Richardson Hull C Hunt and Lillywhites Huntley Hurtig and Seamon Hyams