M.C.O. M.I.P. MB MMM Maddock Samuel H C Manik Games Marshall (John) Mattel Matthews J H May (Herbert) trading as Woolley & Co McCorquodale McLoughlin Mead & Powell, Mead and Powell Melcraft Merit Merry (Frank) Michael Stanfield Miller R Milton Bradley Morden (Robert) Mountfort (of Birmingham) Moxon (Joseph) Mudie Mullord (H & A) Multum In Parvo Myers
M O H L MCC Bat Works MT Methuen Perth MacDougall MacMahon MacMichael MacNiven and Cameron Macaulay Machin Mackenzie (Alec) Mackenzie C Mackenzie E Mackie PJ Macklin Maggs Maitland (Julia) Malings Mallett Mally J R Manby (Caroline) or Menby Mancho Mann NP and JP Mann R Manners Mansells Marcet March J Marchant Games Mardon Mare CJP Margary (Harry) Mark Marks Marlborough Mars Marsh Marshal Marshall (Daniel) Marshall Games, Leicester Martin G Martins R Marx Mason (Finch Mason) Mason G Mason Smith Mason WT Masters J.N. Maxham Mazawattee Tea Co. McAllen McCall R McCall W McCaw Stevenson & Orr McCulloch McEvoy McKenzie McTear Mead and Field Meakin Meccano Mecredy Medley Mellin and Morgan Messent Middleton Miles Miller Milne W and J Min Tjong Mind Benders Mind Games Mindmovers Mitchell W Mitchell WC Molor Mart Ltd. Monmouth Moon Moormegco Morgan HN Morgan R Morphy Morris Morson Mortimer (Edward) Motorway Pub Co Mott Mueller Mumby Murby Musicraft Mussabini Mussared